Electro-Nuclear Fusion
Who: Everyone on planet Earth
What: Clean Renewable Energy.
When: We needed it starting ~60 years ago...
Why: https://climate.nasa.gov/faq/16/is-it-too-late-to-prevent-climate-change/
How: Electro Nuclear Fusion
3D Files
source code of controller
3D Plasma Simulation software
Schematics (PCB, Wiring)
Some of the parts / tools / equipment needed to begin testing and building the first prototype
Other Fusion Devices
Farnsworth Fusor: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fusor
Fuel - Boron11 and Hydrogen
Make it from Borax:
For this you will need borax (disodium tetraborate) and hydrochloric acid plus methanol optional extra.
make a concentrated solution of borax. 7g of borax in 20ml of boiling hot water. add approximately 20ml of hydrochloric acid.
cool and filter the solution.
The wet boric acid was then mixed with methanol and ignited.
heat the boric acid until it decomposed into boric oxide. Which when molten can be drawn out into long fibers.
Safety :- hydrochloric acid is corrosive and an irritant. Borax can be an irritant to some people with sensitive skin. methanol is toxic and flammable. Always wear gloves and goggles.
Ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpA7_EUrTrI
Start with 15g of boric acid and heat it over medium heat for about a half hour until it dehydrates to boric oxide, B2O3. The transition is very easily visible, as the powder "melts" into a sticky, glassy mass.
Next let the boric oxide cool, then pry it off the dish and crush it up into a fine powder (NOT an easy process - this stuff is extremely hard and tenaciously sticks to the dish. Be sure to heat it on something you don't mind destroying to get it off.)
make a thermite out of it by thoroughly mixing it with a roughly equal weight of magnesium powder. Ignite the mix and immediately cover the reaction once it's finished. This is to prevent the boron that is produced from re-oxidizing in the air while it's still hot.
Let it cool, and then remove the cover. Break up the fused reaction products into smaller pieces, and pour some water on everything to cover it up. Then _slowly_ add hydrochloric acid. Extreme care should be taken at this step, because adding the acid produces a lot of gas, is extremely exothermic, and might evolve explosive diborane gas.
Keep adding acid slowly until the bubbling stops. Everything should have reacted away except for black boron. Filter or decant the solution, and you're left with your pure, elemental boron!
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